Friday 11 May 2012

Five Question Friday {6}

1. What advice would you give a couple getting married?

I'm awful with giving advice and hate receiving it as well! I guess my piece of advice would be, before you do it, make sure your partner is your best friend because you will need that friendship to carry you through the tough times in your marriage.

2. If you could tell your 16 year old self ONE thing, what would it be? 

Not to worry so much about everyone else and what they think of me. It's pointless and I would have had more fun if I had relaxed and just done what made me happy.

3. What do you do to keep cool in the summer? (AC, windows, fans, swimming, etc.) 

I'd love to say A/C but mostly we just use open windows and fans. If it's unbearable then I'll put a wet town around my neck or head and point a fan at myself. 

4. What did you (or your wife) crave most while pregnant? 

McDonald's cheeseburgers. Nothing else from there... just the regular cheeseburgers.

5. Who is your favorite TV mom? Why?

We don't get proper TV so I don't watch much and can't really think of one. The only TV mom that's even coming to mind is Roseanne! I always liked that show because the family reminded me of mine in a lot of ways.

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